21 April 2019 — Easter — A Time for Sacrifice and Rebirth?

Sacrifice I would say is the equivalent of ‘letting go’ of a habit pattern…. of ceasing to desire something we don’t have but would like to have. And Rebirth the equivalent of changing our mind set through feeling joyful about what we DO have and accepting what we don’t have.

The birth perhaps of a selfless person from a selfish desiring person. Not easy. I feel I give to others a lot but the true way of giving is to give without counting the cost and with no expectations. That is something I do find very very difficult. I’m not talking about giving gifts and practical things so much as about waiting for somebody to go before me instead of making them wait for me.

And what we are talking about here, of course, is LOVE, LOVE does not count the cost and has no expectations. Our rational chattering monkey minds see everything merely from the viewpoint of how it affects US — my mantra for this Easter Sunday is to act with love which means embracing everything which happens knowing that in the ultimate scheme of hings there is a purpose for it and I have chosen the circumstance for some reason.

What it is I am finding difficulty in accepting and loving is the fact that I am simply NOT feeling well. The sun is shining outside and I need to find a way of making it shine within ME. So, I need to sacrifice feeling sorry for myself and be true to my beliefs that our minds make our bodies ill and attempt to find out why ‘I am doing this illness to myself’ and I believe the way into doing this is to LOVE my illness, accept it and to remember that everything rises and falls in the moment and eventually I will come to the point where I will really see it as SUFFERING rather than as a safety net to prevent change.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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