21 August 2021 — TIME STANDING STILL
This morning I was approached by a group who were handing out notices and wanting people to sign a paper about Proportionate Representation. Many, many years ago when I was a teenager and a member of the Young Liberals I was campaigning for the same thing.
Well, all I can say is, that in some areas things do NOT PROGRESS but STAND STILL. What the liberals are attempting to bring attention to, of course, is that many of their votes are lost because they are a much smaller group than the other political parties so their candidates do not win the actual seat, but overall the number of people who vote for them, if counted separately, would add up to a large proportion of all the votes cast.
On reflection it seems to me incredible that after all this time the situation seems NOT TO HAVE MOVED ON AT ALL BUT TO HAVE REMAINED THE SAME!
I cannot decide whether or not their persistence is a good or bad thing. Normally I would say it was a GOOD thing but then I get to thinking if after all this time they have still NOT achieved anything perhaps they need to change their tactics and fight for what they want in a different way OR just give up and accept the situation.
When I apply the situation to my own affairs I am of the opinion that if I have fought hard for what I want and it does not come to pass, then like Fagan in Lionel Bart’s musical Oliver I need to ‘ review the situation’.
If the POINT OF POWER is to be ours then I believe we must be open to reflecting on situations which don’t come about despite the effort we put in to trying to make it happen. And hopefully, if we change our tactics, we will be able to bring about what we so desire. And TIME will NOT APPEARED TO HAVE STOOD STILL because over time CHANGE HAS HAPPENED.