21 July 2019 = The Choices We Make
The Point of Power is always ours if we choose to exercise it. How often, however, do we make choices to do what others wish us to do? But, of course, the choice in these cases is our choice. We may act in order to ‘fit in’ or ‘to keep the peace’, and see ourselves acting ‘for the sake of others’, feeling powerless to act in any other way. Sometimes our motivation for ‘giving our power away’ is to feel that we are liked and approved of by others.
Often, we find ourselves in a position of either insisting on doing things our way or merely acquiescing to others. Sometimes, giving without counting the cost is difficult, but if we are able to do this then the Point of Power is ours and true giving has taken place.
On a personal level we often make the intention not to do something, like drink too much, eat too much, or get angry etc but find ourselves doing it anyway thinking that we just can’t help it.
THE POINT OF POWER IS OURS — we have control over the choices we make BUT if we should make choices which rebound on us or we simply regret making, then the POINT OF POWER CAN BE OURS if we forgive ourselves for not living up to our intentions and accept and work with the situation as it is. That truly is ALL we can do and we make it easier on ourselves if we allow ourselves to accept this fact and not go over and over the situation in our minds regretting what we did, regretting what we didn’t do.