23 February 2021 — ALL IS WELL, WELL IS ALL

ALL IS WELL, WELL IS ALL. Another saying I was brought up with: two phrases emphasising the same point. Sometimes when it feels as if ALL IS NOT WELL I keep repeating this phrase in order to indoctrinate myself into believing it.

And then, perhaps THE POINT OF POWER WILL BE MINE IN THE MOMENT!. As I have said many times how easy it is to find something to worry about taking us away from our joy, our intuitive knowing and our wise sides. And, of course, on one level I know that I am choosing worry and fear instead of inner peace and am certainly CHOOSING not to COUNT MY BLESSINGS/COUNT THEM ONE BY ONE as the song goes.

This blog is very similar to the one I wrote a couple of days ago entitled INNER PEACE versus ANXIETY, FEAR and WORRY .

‘All barriers in your path are self imposed. They represent your decision to be afraid of moving forward. YOU CAST YOUR FEAR OUTWARD by projecting thoughts into the future worried that either this or that may occur. Your worry about the future has created blocks and bogeymen that you will meet on your future path. But don’t worry since they are your own creation you can will them away. Ask me to assist and I puncture the balloons of dark illusions.” (Ganesh)

And once again we are back to the fact that WE DO CREATE OUR OWN REALITY. So WHY? WHY? WHY? am I choosing to create one of fear, disharmony. worry and lack of inner peace instead of putting into practice the saying ALL IS WELL, WELL IS ALL?

The answer which comes to mind is of course, that for some reason I am afraid of going forward, of taking the next step. My Buddhist teachers used to say: ‘when you recognise what you are doing to yourself as suffering you will drop it in the moment’. Well, what a slow learner am I?! I really do need to ‘Count my blessings’ and start believing that ALL IS WELL, WELL IS ALL and reclaim inner peace knowing that whatever happens in my life I can and will deal with.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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