23 February 2023 = A Genuine Vehicle of Power
‘One who is a genuine vehicle of power can be recognised by characteristics of: TRUTH, KINDNESS, LOVE, PATIENCE, FORBEARANCE and GRATEFULNESS. Wherever these reside EGO cannot reside. (Sri Sathya Sai Baba).
‘A Genuine Vehicle of Power’? — I interpret this to mean a person whose energy affects others in a very positive way and making others feel good about themselves and warm towards the person.
It is sometimes a little difficult to be always truthful to everybody as sometimes we are doubtful of the response we will receive back from them and they may change the way they see us.
Being kind and patient are easier to accomplish when we put the other person’s needs before our own and of course when we exhibit forbearance (restraint and tolerance) and gratefulness for being who we are and for being in the situation we find ourselves.
PONDER POINTS: on reading this I felt …my thoughts on reading this are ….