23 January 2022 — FIVE GEMS
Do how well have we lived by these precepts today?
telling the TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS are mental actions whilst peace descends on us when the mind is still.
LOVE THEE ONE ANOTHER AS THEE LOVE THYSELF.‘ Loving ourselves ‘warts and all’ is good as none of us our perfect, we all have imperfections.
PEACE lies within through stilling the ‘RATIONAL MONKEY MIND’.
And when we have INNER PEACE we have no inclination to be VIOLENT towards others either through our speech or our actions’
PONDER POINTS: my thoughts on reading the above are … my feelings on reading the above are …. I am aware of telling little white lies when….sometimes I feel self righteous when …. what I would say is the different between RIGHTEOUSNESS and SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS is …