23 September 2021 = FINE!

How many times when people ask us how we are and we ask them in return is the reply FINE or GOOD? And how many times is that the truth? ‘How are you?’ has become a greeting like good morning and good afternoon with the questioner not requiring an answer.

Of course no-one wants to listen to a woeful tirade and if the greeting is asked by an acquaintance or passer by, then FINE is all that is required.

Yesterday I asked the ‘How are you?’ question to a young man who served me in a café and I feel it prompted an honest exchange between us where both of us felt better for having been asked.

The young man for some reason told me as naturally as if he was talking about the weather that he was still grieving for a friend who had died. And in return I told him of my recent loss. No emotion was displayed and the conversation was brief and to the point. We were both very matter of fact about the situation but I feel that we both felt better for speaking truly about how we felt and felt warm towards the other.

Today, I passed a builder mending a wall who for some reason spoke to me and asked me how my day had been up until then. I gave a short and positive answer and returned the question which gave him the opportunity to express his frustration with the job in a humorous way. We exchanged a few words. He asked me what my plans were for today and I answered briefly. Again I came away feeling warm and happy for our having exchanged pleasantries.

PONDER POINTS: How I felt on reading the above is …..I felt in tune with what I read because…..the random conversations I have had in a similar vein with others which have left me feeling happier have been when …..I do sometimes answer ‘fine’ when asked how I am when I am not fine because …. What I feel about the idea of being asked ‘how are you’ having become a mere greeting such as ‘good morning’ and ‘good afternoon’ and the questioner not requiring an answer is ….my general views on this subject are ….

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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