24 August 2019 = The More You Judge, The Less You Love
Wow! The door bell just rang and I answered it to two Jehovah Witnesses. Certainly an opportunity for me to judge them and for them to judge me!
However, it wasn’t like that — I was able listen to and respect their point of view and they did the same for me, even though we were certainly diametrically opposed in our beliefs with their having hard and fast ones especially about God, and myself believing that God is a part of all of us.
They did however insist on leaving me with their literature although I informed them I was unlikely to read it.
What I find it difficult to understand, however, is from where their need comes to convince everyone else of their beliefs. As far as I am concerned I explain my beliefs to people when I deem it appropriate and they seem interested but I most certainly have no need at all to convince them that I am right and to convert them to my beliefs.