24 November 2019 — Escaping
Escaping? From whom? From what? Yesterday’s blog suggested that although we are not always aware of what we are doing we constantly escape from our feelings through our thoughts. And how do we escape from our thoughts? One very common way to escape from our the thoughts which arise from our feelings is of course, in this modern age — digitally. When walking along the road how many people nearly bump into us because they are concentrating on their phones? And how many times have we nearly bumped into others?
If we were to ask the question ‘Who Am I?’ what would our answer be? Do we truly know who we are other than the person who is dependant upon outside sources, drink, phones etc? Do we know in our hearts what brings us joy and what makes us sad? Do we ever allow ourselves to feel those feelings of joy and sadness which in effect are opposite sides of the same coin in the same way as are darkness and light?
Are we able to be gentle to ourselves: to show ourselves compassion knowing that as human beings not one of us is perfect ?
Are we able to be compassionate towards others?
Are we able to resist from judging and criticising ourselves and others?
Are we able to love ourselves warts and all and not take it personally when someone else criticises and judges us or treats us harshly?