Yesterday I felt on top of the world. Everything seemed to be going so well — as in the words of the Beetles ‘All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away’ but today ‘things’ are not going the way I had hoped.
Perhaps that is what progress is one step forward and two back. The important thing however, as always, is to accept — to embrace what is in the moment and refuse to let our rational ‘monkey’ minds be upset about the fact that what we hoped would happen is not happening.
In order to redeem the day when circumstances are not as we wished we need to decide if there is anything we can do to repair the situation and if so do it and if not simply move on remembering that ‘Day follows Night and Good follows Bad’.
Sometimes, of course, circumstances do remind us of tragic or sad situations and in those circumstances we need to give ourselves permission to feel sad in the sense of allowing those feelings to rise and fall in our Solar Plexus areas (that place where it feels the bottom has fallen through when we receive shock news) and not let the rational mind make a song and dance out of it! How our rational minds get off on worry!!
So having ‘ stepped back’ as it were we need then to move forward by reminding ourselves of those circumstances in our lives which make us feel good, happy and glad to be alive.
PONDER POINTS: how I felt upon reading this was…..what I need to move forward from is…. what I need to accept and embrace is ….what I need to stop worrying about is …..