24 September 2020 — HOW TO BE AT PEACE WITH ONE’S SELF
The easy answer to this question is TO GIVE UP DESIRE — which is NOT, however, an EASY TASK TO ACCOMPLISH. Desire is said to be one of the six enemies of the mind. And along with the desire often comes anger that we can’t get what we want.
Like the night follows the day and the day the night what we class as ‘GOOD’ and that which we class as ‘BAD’ follow each other. One of the keys to be at peace with one’s self is EQUANAMITY — the ability to shrug our shoulders and tell our selves that these things happen and to not be disturbed when things don’t quite go as we would like them to.
It is important I find to refuse to allow the rational mind to go over and over the things which upset us especially the things we yearn for and don’t seem to be able to get whilst others we know do!
There is a song from the Mary Poppins film entitled ‘Let’s Go Fly A Kite Up To Its Highest Height’ my version of this is “Let’s Go Hug A Tree and Feel It’s Energy, and feel that there’s no difference between IT AND ME — NO SEPARATION -NO DUALITY. And even though I live on a main road trees abound!
BEING IN NATURE is certainly a great healer and even if we live in town there is always a green space or a park not too far away.
The CHOICE, however, is always ours and before we CAN BE AT PEACE WITH OURSELVES we need to probe and discover that part of ourselves which feels SAFE feeling sorry for our ‘self’ or JUSTIFIED in feeling angry. There is, of course, always a pay off and UNTIL WE DISCOVER WHAT THAT IS, it is very likely that WE WILL CONTINUE TO CAUSE OURSELVES SUFFERING.