Once again I have not lived up to my goals. The ego self won out over the wise/soul side and I became very exasperated with a café employee whom I judged to be officious when in reality she was only doing her job and following the instructions she’d been given.
Part of me feels very ashamed of myself for making a fuss over something which was not a big deal. Her fellow employee on the other hand was polite and courteous. Perhaps he was having a good day whilst she was not; perhaps she was worried or upset about something happening in her personal life. I don’t know. All I do know is that I could have shrugged my shoulders and murmured ‘Ah so, so be it’ to myself and let it go.
I need to forgive myself. But I also need to ask myself WHY I chose to get upset. And I feel the answer might be because I myself was a little concerned about something which had happened earlier in the day.
However, that is now the PAST, and NOT the present so if I’m sensible and follow my own philosophy that is where I will leave it.
PONDER POINTS …on reading this I felt …. what I think about what I have read is …. what I feel about ‘loving all and seeing God and the good in everyone’ is…recent occurrences which are still going over and over in my mind are …. I feel I am living in the present and not dragging the past into the present because ….