26 February 2022 — KEEP SHINING THROUGH
‘You ca be the light of somebody else’s darkness so keep shining through’.
Correspondingly others can be the LIGHT IN OUR DARKNESS.
These last couple of days I have experienced others being the LIGHT in MY DARKNESS for which I am truly grateful.
In my case a very kind guy out of nowhere offered to help me carry my shopping which I was truly struggling with. What a Godsend he was! And he certainly LIGHTENED MY DARKNESS. Also another very kind guy gave up his seat for me when all the seats near the café bar were taken.
AND, something as simple as a smile to a stranger can be the ‘match’ which lightens their darkness.
PONDER POINTS: On reading the above I felt….my thoughts on the above are ….. I remember feeling cheered up by somebody smiling at me when…I feel the last person to ‘lighten my darkness’ was ….I feel I may have ‘lightened someone else’s darkness when …