26 January 2019 — Love, Compassion, Jealousy, Hatred, Selfishness
When we remember that our feelings create our thoughts, our thoughts create our actions and our actions create our reality we reinforce the knowledge that THE POINT OF POWER is truly now, in each moment. There are no VICTIMS in reality and the AGGRESSOR exists only through a fear of being powerless.
Questions to which we may find the answers interesting: Of whom do we feel jealous? Whom do we find it difficult to feel compassion for secretly believing that the person brings his or her difficulties on themselves? Who do we resent? Whom do we find it easy to feel compassion towards? Who makes us feel powerless? Who do we feel we have some power over?
But the six million dollar question is WHY DOES IT MATTER TO US — WHY DO WE CARE? The problem of course, is looking OUTSIDE OF OURSELVES for the answers believing that if the other person changed things would be OK for us.
But the TRUTH is simply that we have no control over the other person ONLY OVER OUR OWN RESPONSES to that person. Often to find the answer WHY WE CARE we have to recall our childhood and ask ourselves questions such as WHAT BROUGHT US JOY AS A CHILD? AND WHAT, WHEN, and WHO BY DO WE FEEL THAT JOY WAS TAKEN AWAY.
AND before we can have compassion for others we really do need to have COMPASSION FOR OURSELVES —to forgive ourselves for any imagined misdemeanours and love ourselves warts and all, aware that perfection does not lie somewhere in the distance but IT LIES IN THE HERE AND NOW, THIS PRESENT MOMENT. And PERFECTION lies in LOVING OURSELVES WARTS AND ALL.
I end with a quote from Sri Sathya Sai Baba — ‘To resurrect love and compassion, you must kill jealousy and selfishness and purify your heart.”