26 June 2024 — HUNGER
‘There’s hunger for ordinary bread. and there’s hunger for love, for kindness, for thoughtfulness and this is the great poverty which makes people suffer so much. (Mother Theresa)
Well being is possible only to the degree to which one has overcome one’s narcissism, to the degree to which one is open, responsible, sensitive, awake, empty. Well being means to be fully related to man and nature affectively, to overcome separateness and alienation: to arrive at the experience of oneness with all that exists.
Well being means to be fully born, to become what we potentially are — souls in a body. It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. (Agnes Repplier)
If we are living in the present moment and not being carried away by our own thoughts and fantasises, then we are in a position to be free of fate and available to our own destiny. When we are in the present moment, our work on Earth begins. (Resbal Feild)
First and foremost we need to love and accept ourselves and once we are able to love ourselves we will NOT BE CRAVING for approval from others, wishing for others to be kind and thoughtful and show us love, and we will be able to accept and love them for who they are.
We will be ‘open, responsible, sensitive, awake, empty’.
PONDER POINTS: I feel I have overcome separateness and alienation because …. I feel I am able to live in the present moment when …