

Well the first thing I have learnt is how very much I dislike not being able to go out. My usual habit pattern is to go for what I call a meditation walk and to hug a tree. This I feel allows me to be centred and sets me up for the day by slowing down the ‘chattering monkey mind’. Of course, I meditate at home but I certainly miss my morning walking meditation and being out in nature and near water.

Oh dear! How adaptable am I? Not at all it seems! Throughout our lives ‘LIFE’ throws up the unexpected and a good part of our life consists of learning to adapt and ‘going with the flow’.

How powerful that saying ‘going with the flow’ is. How often do we resist and resent having to go along with the changes life inevitably throws at us? And, of course life is full of beginnings/endings and new beginnings.

Each new beginning brings new opportunities if only we are able to grasp them. With all this time on my hands I now have time to do some of the many things I tell myself I will get around to some day.

Time now to start grasping those opportunities, GO WITH THE FLOW and WELCOME the period of Self Isolation and make it productive.



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.