26 September 2021 — ATTACHMENT versus DETACHMENT

When we are attached to something taking place inner peace is NOT ours. Sometimes we are not even consciously aware that we are attached — we just take it for granted thought wise that the thing we are attached to will happen and when it does NOT we feel cross or agitated.

It can be such little things to which we are attached. In my case it is sitting in the same seat in a café I frequent and when the seat is already taken when I arrive and i have to sit somewhere else, I am constantly keeping an eye out for the seat to be vacated whoever I am talking to, or whatever I am reading.

THE POINT OF POWER is certainly NOT mine when my thoughts are projected into the future in that way and I am not living in the present moment. The agitation I experience is certainly not that great but I don’t feel relaxed and content.

It is the same in every day life when I become attached to getting something done that day and life seems to get in the way. But LIFE never fails to surprise me as sometimes it becomes obvious later that it was not the right time to do whatever I was attached to getting done. And when my ‘attachment’ concerns being treated in a certain way by someone I can reason with myself that love, affection, respect and civility is not always something the other person is able to give at that time because of their own personal circumstances.

Perhaps being detached is merely trusting our intuition and the Universe and believing in a greater force than our ego minds ie our ‘soul knowing’.

AND, perhaps being detached is also loving whatever happens whether the ego mind judges it to be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ knowing on some level we have attracted it. I am now, of course, talking about circumstances which are much more serious than my being attached to a seat in a café!

PONDER POINTS ..how I felt on reading this was …things I am attached to are …..the last time I became upset because my expectations weren’t realised was when …..the last time I was able to shrug my shoulders and not get upset when something happened to which I had been attached to happening was …

When I amable 22

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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