27 December 2019 — ATTACHMENT
The main Christmas Holidays — Christmas day and Boxing day — are over and for many of us today is going back to work day = (for those of us, of course, who didn’t have to work on Boxing day). So how are we feeling? Are we attached to the Christmas holiday: to having an excuse for indulging ourselves and to the anticipation and excitement of getting together with family members some of whom we seldom see OR are we pleased that it’s over and happy that we are able to return to our normal routine? OR are we totally non-attached and accepting of the change from one situation which comes once a year, to the way life is generally which because of its predictability on a general basis may bring warm feelings but little excitement.
How many of us have started to think about our summer holidays or day trips away in order recreate the excitement of Christmas? There is, of course, the New Year to which to look forward and many of us will be drowning any sorrows, fears, disappointments by making ourselves merry through drinking too much.
I feel it matters not how we FEEL about the passing of one celebration and whether or not we wish to recreate the feelings around it.
EVERYTHING RISES AND FALLS. And as long as we remember this and know it in our hearts we will not wish to cling to enjoyable circumstances when they have passed. Some relationships and friendships last but through the years they go through many changes. Other relationships and friendships don’t last. Wishing strongly and frequently for things to be different than they are IS ATTACHMENT AND IT IS VERY MUCH WASTED ENERGY. Once we have put gentle energy into trying to create the circumstances we wish to be in our lives and have not succeeded IT IS TIME TO MOVE ON WITHOUT ATTACHMENT and put our energy into THE NEW events which take their place.
PONDER POINTS: The feelings I have around this Christmas are …… The ways in which I am dealing with these feelings are by …I feel sad it is over because ….I feel glad it is over because ……To what I feel I am attached is …….