I pose this question because it seems that I’m the only one amongst friends and family who is not ‘addicted’ to positive thinking. I’m not advocating pouring out a tale of woe to the people who ask ‘how are you’ but I am a little suspicious of those who always say ‘I’m good — everything’s wonderful’ especially when you are aware that it is not.

Yes, it’s good not to burden others with one’s woes and perhaps in England asking others how they are has become a ritual with no real meaning behind it. However, I sometimes wonder if the habitual patterning of being

always good’ is, in essence telling lies to one’s self, and pushing down one’s feelings. I would claim that I sense the difference in energy between people saying they are fine and have had a good day when they have indeed had a good day and when in actual fact they have not had such a good day.

Of course, when the act of enquiring about how you are is merely ritual politeness from acquaintances or people serving you in shops then the expected reply, is of course, ’fine’. But I feel it is quite a sad reflection of the relationship with people with whom you feel a connection.

I know, however, I am in a small minority who feels that one has a duty to one’s self to be honest to one’s self and to others and not to lie. AND I repeat, I am in no way advocating pouring out one’s troubles to others at random.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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