Am I my thoughts? My feelings?
How do others view me? A clue to WHO WE THINK WE ARE can be found in our responses to the views and opinions others hold about us? This brings us to the question HOW DO WE WISH OTHERS TO SEE US = what pleases us about the way others respond to us? What displeases us?
The philosophical/spiritual answer to the question WHO AM I? is a SOUL IN A BODY. We are not in essence our bodies, our thoughts or even our feelings.
‘David Baum writes in The Undivided Universe: an Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory: ‘The notion of a separate organism is closely an abstraction, as is also its boundary. Underlying all this is unbroken wholeness even though our civilisation has developed in such a way as to strongly emphasise the separation into parts’.
There are times in all of our lives, I believe, when we do indeed experience the feeling of ‘unbroken wholeness’. These experiences occur when the rational mind (the left brain hemisphere) is shocked out of its perpetual thinking hence becoming one with the right brain hemisphere (our soul minds). These experiences generally occur through our being taken aback by the beauty of a view, or being lost in listening to music or absorbed in creativity and we are momentarily unaware of the ego self ‘doing’ but instead are simply ‘being’.