27 September 2020 —FEELINGS
Morris Albert sang the song Feelings — ‘Nothing More than Feelings, Trying to Forget My Feelings of Love’. At least he is talking about being aware of his feelings. How many of us push down our feelings by constant thinking thereby indulging in the act of THINKING our FEEELINGS rather than actually FEELING OUR FEELINGS.
My first response to these lines is that my feelings are nothing to do with unrequited love, but then the FEELING arises that indeed they are everything to do with unrequited love no matter how long ago the experience was and how deeply I have buried it. The present is NOW — the future is YET TO COME and the PAST was YESTERDAY. But how easy it is to bring YESTERDAY into TODAY without our even being aware of it if we are UNAWARE OF OUR FEELINGS IN THE SOLAR PLEXUS. And through listening to the song, and contemplating on its meaning whilst writing this blog, I am aware that how I respond to the opposite sex is certainly coloured by FEELINGS which arise from my past experiences.
The Solar Plexus is, after all, that place where, when it feels our world has fallen apart, that our FEELINGS ARISE. It is that place where it feels like the bottom has fallen out of our stomachs when we receive bad news. The problem is, of course, that instead of our staying with these painful feelings we allow our minds to take over and THINK US OUT of our feelings