28 April 2019 — Creating Our Own Reality

We do indeed do this in every moment through our thoughts and feelings. When we allow our chattering rational ‘monkey’ minds to contemplate the worst that can happen and even expect the worst to happen the Point of Power In The Moment is Certainly Not Ours as we are far from being in the moment and far from knowing inner peace.

“The most important factor in maintaining peace within oneself, in the face of any difficulty is one’s mental attitude. If it is distorted by such feelings as anger, attachment or jealousy, then even the most comfortable environment will bring one no peace.

On the other hand, if one’s attitude is generally calm and gentle, then even a hostile environment will have little effect on one’s own inner peace.

Since the basic source of peace and happiness is one’s own mental attitude, it is worthwhile adopting means to develop it in a positive way. (His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama)

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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