Today I have learnt the value of doing just that. Some people I met were telling me stories about people with homes who beg on the street pretending to be homeless.
I have a habit pattern of giving to homeless people but have been very wary about giving to a certain person and I have now learnt that this person is not homeless. So my intuition was correct.
But, does this mean that I now stop giving to everyone who claims to be homeless to be on the safe side and not waste the little amount of money I have?
Some people solve the problem by buying food to give to them.
I was brought up with the saying ‘there but for the Grace of God go I’ and I am aware that people often find themselves homeless through no fault of their own. Whether one gives money or food is one’s own choice as is choosing not to give.
I am, however, thankful, for my intuitive feelings and trust that I give to people who are genuine and that I do not allow myself to be conned.
PONDER POINTS: How I feel about the above is….what I think about the above is …. My own attitude towards giving to people who claim to be homeless is ….