This can be a very difficult concept to take on board: that it is no one other than ourselves who is responsible for what happens to us. The rational mind, however, is a genius at ‘BLAMING’. If in all seriousness it really doesn’t feel justified in blaming others it will blame itself. It will chatter away telling us that we don’t deserve the best: that we aren’t good enough etc etc.

‘All barriers in your path are self imposed. They represent your decision to be afraid of moving forward. You cast your fear outward by projecting thoughts into the future worried that either this or that may occur. Your worries about the future have created blocks and bogeymen that you will meet on your future path. But don’t worry since they are your own creation you can will them away.. Ask me to assist and I will puncture the balloons of dark illusion. (Ganesh)

The question then arises, if we CREATE OUR OWN REALITY, and I sincerely believe that we do, why do we not then create the reality we would truly like.

I have a habit pattern of asking people who are dissatisfied with their present reality where they would like to see themselves in six months/a year’s time and ask them to consider the path they need to travel in order to create that reality. It is, of course, important to prepare one’s self for the rational mind’s reaction and to be aware of the obstacles it might put in our way out of fear. AND, of course to be aware of the feelings which automatically arise such as WHO ARE WE to be worthy of THE BEST. These feelings will RISE AND FALL in the moment if we refuse to allow the rational mind to take them seriously and this is an essential requirement if we are to CREATE A REALITY WHICH ALLOWS US TO BE HAPPY AND PEACEFUL IN LIFE.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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