The above seems to be one of my favourite subjects. Mainly so I think, because I have difficulty taking the concept on board even though rationally I can see where the idea comes from.
At the moment having to deal with the Pandemic and its consequences I can feel myself resisting big time and telling myself that I neither caused, or wanted it to happen.
However, (and there always seems to be one of these) HOW I DEAL WITH IT AND REACT TOWARDS IT is most definitely of my making and it is MYSELF alone who deals with the consequences of my reactions towards whatever happens in my life.
Apart from the Pandemic I have also attracted a rather delusional someone who believes something which is mine is theirs. At first I felt very shaken, angry and worried until I realised I was back with yesterday’s blog title which was ‘don’t let other peoples’ problems with YOU be YOURS with them’. It’s obviously time to remind myself that: LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT SO MAKE IT GOOD! And one is able to make LIFE GOOD simply by staying with one’s feelings in the Solar Plexus area letting the feelings rise and fall and refusing to allow the rational mind to go over and over what it (the rational mind) sees as a problem and hence we make THE POINT OF POWER OURS IN EACH MOMENT.
PONDER POINTS: My feelings when I read this were …My thoughts on reading this are …..I feel the Point of Power is mine in this moment because….I feel the Point of Power is NOT mine in this moment because …