Not an easy task especially if our sense of self worth is low and we depend on others to make us feel good about ourselves. WHAT WE FORGET HOWEVER is that the persons who see fit to blame us are themselves lacking in self esteem. When we are truly aware of this we will not take what others say about us personally.
We, ourselves, are often our own worst enemy, doubting ourselves because we hear the voices of criticism of us from the past. And so we return to the general theme of these blogs which is TO LOVE ONE’S SELF WARTS AND ALL. — thereby lies our POINT OF POWER IN EVERY MOMENT. We are not perfect, no HUMAN BEING is.
ONLY WHEN WE HAVE STOPPED JUDGING AND CRITICISING OURSELVES are we able to stop judging and criticising others. In the meantime let EQUANIMITY TOWARDS PRAISE AND BLAME BE OUR MOTTO. And then the question of FORGIVENESS, ourselves or others, will not arise because ACCEPTANCE will be the order of the day and change of behaviour will follow naturally.