How freeing it is to be UNATTACHED with our minds free of HOPING and WISHING that ‘things’ will go the way we wish them to whether that is winning the lotto, people treating us how we wish they would, getting a promotion or indeed a job etc etc.
Very often when we are ATTACHED to ‘things’ happening in a certain way we tend to not notice the good ‘things’ which do happen simply because we are concentrating so much on the ‘things’ we wish to happen.
When we are able to ‘let go’ of our desire for life to go the way we wish, we often find that the way things work out are more satisfactory and enjoyable.
Sometimes, we find that when our lives go the way we have been wishing them to go we do not acquire the happiness which we expected.
The reason is of course, that it is our rational minds which become attached to things going in a certain way BUT it is our Intuitive minds which know what is truly the best for us!
DETACHMENT equals acting in a way without any expectations of the result.
ATTACHMENT equals going out of our way to act IN A WAY which we feel will create OUR DESIRED RESULT.
And Detachment brings happiness, I feel, as we are able to accept and enjoy what life brings us without fighting to make ’things’ happen the way our rational minds desire.
Life, of course, has its ups and downs but when we are able to be DETACHED we can see the ‘downs’ as ‘A PART OF LIFE’S RICH PATTERN’ and patiently wait for the ‘ups’ to appear.