29 DECEMBER 2020 — The Butterfly Meditation

With so much happening in the World at the moment as well as the passing of Christmas and the anticipation of New Year’s Eve. an old year passing and a new one beginning, it is fairly likely that the rational chattering monkey mind is having a field day and many of us feel agitated, hopeful that certain things might happen and fearful that they might not.

In order to balance both hemispheres of our brains — the right and left hemisphere — it is helpful I feel to simply close our eyes and imagine the thoughts in our heads to be BUTTERFLIES. Then, if we can mentally see these ‘butterflies’ ‘flying around’ we need then to feel their energy descending down through our necks and chests into our Solar Plexus (tummy) area. This enables us to relax in this area and to feel these feelings from which our rational minds are attempting to escape through constantly thinking.

Once the rational mind is stilled through concentrating on the Solar Plexus area and thereby balancing both hemispheres we are then able to pose questions to ourselves such as: ‘What do I fear?’ ‘From what am I trying to escape?’ ‘What am I worried will happen?’ ‘What am I afraid won’t happen?’ What is making me feel Sad, Happy Angry, Fearful etc?

In this way whatever is troubling us will see the ‘LIGHT OF DAY’. Many of the answers will come intuitively and once we are able to quieten the rational mind through FEELING THEIR ENERGY in our Solar Plexus area and imagine them as BUTTERFLIES we have hopefully at least endowed ourselves with loving, happy thoughts and will perhaps be able to take the rational mind less seriously.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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