29 March 2022 — INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY (a poem by William Wordsworth)
Another day when worry seemed to be taking me over and then I re-read ‘Intimations of Immortality’:
‘There was a time when meadow, grove and stream./The earth, and every common sight,/To me did seem/Apparelled in celestial light,/The glory and the freshness of a dream.’
The poem continues to say that this way of seeing life became taken over with sadness and grief but then includes the line ‘‘A timely utterance gave that thought relief and again I am strong’.
And so I looked outside myself, stopped taking life so seriously, i.e. pondering on the negative: and thought of all in my life for which I have to be grateful and simply refused give into fear and worry. And, of course, to me it seems that Wordsworth was talking about what I call FORMLESS ENERGY — our being a part of ALL THAT IS which I have written about in many of my blogs.
PONDER POINTS: My thoughts on reading the above are ….my feelings on reading the above were ….