31 August 2021 — SERENDIPTY

Serendipity — The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy and beneficial way = a fortunate stroke of serendipity.

I live on a very busy road and crossing it is very difficult. There is a zebra crossing of course, but this happens to be a little way away from where I live and means i have to walk out of my way in order to use it.

It occurred to me that if nothing else in my life is serendipitous crossing the road is, as most often, either the traffic lights are holding the traffic up on one side when I wish to cross and little traffic is coming the other side.

And then I started wondering about other events in my life in the last couple of days which could perhaps be said to be serendipitous. And yes, there were many but most of which I took for granted and did not even notice.

One of these was coming across a book on my shelves I had totally forgotten I had which gave me the inspiration I needed to solve a matter which had been worrying me. Strange really, that the mind was concentrating on worrying without even noticing until I came across this book.

AND, HOW our rational minds like to worry! How they like to concentrate on what COULD or MIGHT GO WRONG instead of concentrating on situations working out well.

THE POINT OF POWER IS OURS IN THE MOMENT and when we are aware that it is US who create our own REALITY we can value the fact that we can create events to happen in a happy and beneficial way — a SERENDIPITOUS way. Perhaps, we will bump into someone who makes us feel good about ourselves, perhaps we will find we are avoiding traffic jams, and that the bridge across the river opens to let boats through, just after we have crossed it and not just before, etc. etc…

Yesterday, I felt good about myself because someone whom I had helped in the past but didn’t even remember, came rushing up to me thanking me profusely for having helped him. SERENDIPITY no less that I should be in the same place as he was at the same time.


Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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