31 July 2020 — HOW LUCKY AM I?

Well today with the weather so beautiful perhaps we all have a reason to allow the sun within us to shine. That doesn’t mean, of course, that for many of us we are not ‘CRYING’ inside for some reason.

However, if it’s ‘raining in our hearts’ through loss or illness etc the Sun outside reminding us of the Sun ‘inside’, could be a way of our using ‘walking sticks’ as it were, to move slowly forward reminding us that The Point of Power IS IN The Present Moment. If we allow the SUN to bring through Joy in our hearts we will perhaps automatically remember past times we have enjoyed in the Sun and instill an automatic ‘feel good’ feeling. And perhaps we will even be encouraged to accept and LOVE LIFE as IT NOW IS and the seed of gratitude for the past may be sown.

I think I’m on safe ground when I say that we all waste much time in WORRYING about something we would rather not happen, happening, OR about something which has already happened.

In the first instance the clouds that our minds create through imagining ‘what if’ can be erased through our ‘inner sun’ being allowed to shine and to water new joyful seeds of thought within us whether those seeds be the beginning of our inner strength and and our knowing that we can ‘weather the storm’ OR, the seeds of what we wish to happen in our lives. If we are presently coping with something we would rather not have happened such as LOSS, ILLNESS, DEBT, BEING PHYSICALLY HURT etc we cannot undo what has happened but we can imagine the sun shining in our hearts healing the hurt and allowing the ‘new’ in the sense of recovery and perhaps even ‘forgiveness’ to begin.

AND perhaps the beginning of the healing process starts with the sun which is shining outside encouraging us to ask ourselves ‘HOW LUCKY AM I’? IN OTHER WORDS (in this case the words of a very old song/hymn) COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS COUNT THEM ONE BY ONE, BE GRATEFUL FOR THE WORK THE LORD HAS DONE.

When the sun is intense and shines for a long period (unlike in the UK) the qualities of ENDURANCE, STEADFASTNESS and FORBEARANCE are sometimes needed.

PONDER POINTS: What the sun is now allowing me to embrace is …. Whom I need forgive is …….. What I need to forgive and accept is ….

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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