Well It looks as though my neighbours in the shared house next door had their Halloween party last night as they were certainly celebrating in the garden ’til fairly late creating a disturbance for me.

THE POINT OF POWER IS NOW so how was I to make the point of power mine? By going out asking them if they could keep the noise down in a friendly manner? Going out shouting at them? or shrugging my shoulders and showing forbearance and understanding and just stick it out until they dispersed?

Did I see myself as the victim? Should I be the aggressor or should I be the rescuer in the sense of rescuing myself and learning to live with the situation.

In the event I decided to let reason rule the day. They are not usually noisy, indeed for the most part I hardly know they are there and I am friendly with them individually.

So ‘JOY IN OTHER PEOPLE’S GOOD FORTUNE’ in the sense of being happy that they were enjoying themselves, can be said to have won the day! I could be said to have played the ‘Rescuer’ in the sense that I ‘rescued’ myself from acting in a way which may have caused permanent problems with the next door neighbours.

Had I, however, been having a hard time personally I might have seen this as the last straw and either chose to see myself as the victim indulging in a state of self pity OR played the role of the aggressor and shouted at them over the garden wall.

PONDER POINTS: My thoughts on reading this are ….. times in my life when I have played: the victim have been …the aggressor have been…the rescuer have been

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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