4 January 2022 — HOPE, LOVE AND GOOD VIBES
‘Be a giver of hope, love and good vibes. Help people out, help them out of their problems and provide the support they are looking for. Be the light that shows the right way’.
The above quote was taken from ‘Inspirational Hippie Quotes about Friendship.’
In order to be able to help others out of their problems we have to be able to cope with any problems we may have. Most of us have experienced the person immersed in ‘doom and gloom’ who is only too keen offload their woes on to us which makes us very keen to escape from them!
CONSTRUCTIVE or DESTRUCTIVE? That is the question whether it is nobler in the mind to listen at length thereby destroying one’s peace of mind and equilibrium or to oppose their negativity constructively and resist being dragged down by the homeless persons’ negativity by being sympathetic but at the same time employing the strategies of HOPE and LOVE by sending GOOD VIBRATIONS their way. (Apologies to Hamlet!)
The inspiration for this blog is my encounter with two homeless people whom I met separately and said to both how good it would be if they could hold a picture in their minds of their finding a way out of their situation this year One of them agreed and despite his circumstances was cheerful and optimistic whilst the other got very angry and shouted at me big time.
I trust that I was in the energy of love and empathy. Both people in question I have been meeting on the street and talking to for some time and giving them money etc so I trust my vibrations WERE good and I was coming from LOVE and HOPE FOR THE FUTURE.
I do believe that we do choose our situation at some level and thereby can choose to change it if we are DETERMINED to bring about the change and I do know people who have gotten themselves off the streets.
I always say that when I win the lottery I will do all I can to help homeless people which would involve counselling as well as providing accommodation!! Until then the only way I know how to help and provide support is to listen and endeavour to be ‘the light that shows the right way.’
PONDER POINTS: on reading the above I felt …..my thoughts on the above blog are ……