Yesterday I fell for a very nasty scam. Fortunately, however, I inadvertently gave the wrong information and that saved the day.

I have hitherto been ‘on the ball’ and have either put the phone down or refused to give out personal information. I feel I instinctively know when someone is trying to scam me. s

I am not sure why I feel ‘hook, line and sinker’ into in this one — distracted?, not paying enough attention? — I really have no idea. But I’ve accepted that I did (though not forgiven myself for being so foolish) and I feel very grateful that I did give out the wrong information.

Apart from my gullibility, however, the incident has left me pondering that very deep question what makes some people live their lives hurting, deceiving others and taking what is not theirs.

It perhaps boils down, once again to self esteem. When one feels worthless because they feel they are NOT as bright, as happy, as wealthy as powerful etc as others then perhaps it feels that any means is permissible to correct the situation.

Many scams, burglaries etc require much intelligence, initiative and thought and I’ve often wondered what it is that has prevented the wrong doer from making it good in a legitimate way. The fact that someone could do this to me made me feel sad and upset all day and attempting to answer the lquestions ‘WHY DID I ATTRACT IT?’ WHAT DO I HAVE TO LEARN? ‘WHY DID I FALL FOR IT’

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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