4 October 2019 — LIFE IS A BLOCK OF ICE THAT IS CONTINUALLY MELTING AWAY. Before it melts completely the truth has to be realised. (Sri Sathya Sai Baba)
This saying, I feel, is equating the Rational Mind with all its false beliefs to a block of ice. When we are ruled completely by our Rational Minds and are not in touch with our intuitive knowing then we have a reason for everything which happens and see ‘life’ as’ happening to us’ rather than our creating what happens to us through our thoughts and actions. The block of ice is melting away in the sense that we are aware of things changing and not staying the same.
The truth which we need to realise before the Rational Mind is seen to be a transparent ever changing commodity is simply that we are not the FORM of our bodies, nor are our thoughts concrete and absolute — that we are indeed FORMLESS ENERGY.
This, of course, is not always easy to grasp or to believe. And perhaps, NOT pleasant to believe as being the Truth; as, matter and material things are beloved by our rational minds.