We are only able to know INNER PEACE if we are able to live in the moment without HURRY, WORRY AND FLURRY, AND, if we GIVE UP the NEED TO BE IN CONTROL.
This means, to a lesser or greater extent, being able to control the rational monkey mind and being in touch with our feelings in the Solar Plexus area. Or, it can mean being laid back and relaxed, refusing to take anything which happens seriously, confident that one is able to deal with it and that it will all work out in the end AND NOT FEELING THE NEED TO DEFEND OURSELVES.
Other people can often upset us by the comments they make which suggest that they see us in a different light than we see ourselves. In these circumstances if we are LAID BACK, we will be able to dismiss their opinions by realising that it is just that — their opinions to which they are entitled — but which we do not have to take on board.
PONDER POINTS: on reading the above I felt…and my thoughts were….I feel inner peace is mine when …..I last felt the need to defend myself when……