5 January 2020 — The Twelfth day Of Christmas

The end of the festive season — so what do we hope this year will bring? What do we long for?

The wisdom to know our heart’s desire? The courage to ‘go for it’? The strength to put behind us upsetting things which occurred in 2019? To heal our ‘selves’ or our loved ones of illnesses? To achieve our dreams? Find work which we enjoy? Strengthen our relationship or end one which isn’t working? Find the partner who understands us and us them?

OR are we content to see what the year brings our way and accept whatever it does bring?

For myself I hope that this year will be the year I attain the goal that I have told myself for the past two years that I would achieve, or at least put sincere effort into trying to attain it (which I have not done) OR, put it ‘to bed’ in the sense of deciding that I am NOT meant to go there.

I truly believe that the start of achieving our dreams or to changing ourselves IS — TO ACCEPT WHERE WE ARE NOW, and HOW WE FIND OURSELVES IN THE MOMENT. And secondly I believe it is important to believe in ourselves and love ourselves and to accept that sometimes things aren’t meant to be — either it isn’t the right time or the right situation for us.

Perhaps like Fagin in Dickens’ Oliver Twist we sometimes need to ‘review the situation’ and ask ourselves what it would be beneficial for us to change: in our lives and about ourselves and, what we truly wish this year to bring, and how we can bring it about.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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