The flowers which are ever blooming are: NON VIOLENCE, SENSE CONTROL, COMPASSION and FORBEARANCE (Sri Sathya Sai Baba)
The ‘flower’ with which I have the greatest difficult, I would say is sense control! And the ‘sense’ in question is most definitely ‘taste’. I can be quite happily NOT thinking of food and then I see someone eating, my taste buds start working overtime and I succumb to food.
However, FORBEARANCE is not always mine when I am forced to get out of the way for cyclists who do not stick to the cycle lane but ride on the pedestrian path. I have to remind myself very strongly that I am NOT their keeper and that it is, indeed, their choice and that I must respect that and have COMPASSION for their choice to wish to get where they are going as quickly as possible.
At least, NON VIOLENCE I believe I have no problem with and comes second nature to me!
PONDER POINTS: on reading this I felt…..my thoughts upon reading this are ….the ‘flower/s’ which is/are naturally mine are … the ‘flower’ which I find difficult to practice is ….