‘The Notion of a separate organism is clearly an abstraction, as is also its boundary. Underlying all this is unbroken wholeness even though our civilisation has developed in such a way as to strongly emphasise the separation into parts.’ (David Baum — The Undivided Universe: an Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory)
Questions we sometimes feel forced to ask ourselves when our lives seem to be going awry and we find ourselves in situations which are anathema to us are: WHO AM I? WHERE AM I GOING? HOW LONG SHALL I BE HERE’. One answer to these questions is A SOUL IN A BODY: ON A JOURNEY TO DISCOVER whilst in a body that I AM indeed A SOUL IN A BODY and the answer to HOW LONG SHALL I BE THERE? is: HOWEVER LONG IT TAKES ME TO DISPEL THE ILLUSION that I AM MY THOUGHTS, FEELINGS AND BODY ie my Ego Self.
‘Unbroken Wholeness’ is a state with which we are all familiar. As babies and young children we were aware of not existing separately, of simply being what I call FORMLESS ENERGY and NOT the FORM of the body. And, we experience UNBROKEN WHOLENESS; the feeling of non duality — of not existing separately from everything else when the two hemispheres of our brains are balanced on such occasions when a beautiful view, or listening to music etc transports momentarily suppresses the ego and we become one with the music or view etc and we are aware on some level that we are indeed SOULS IN A BODY.