6 December 2021 — HAPPINESS

‘The secret of happiness is not in doing what we like, but in liking what we have to do’. Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

This time of the year many of us enjoy focussing upon Christmas time with its excuse to party and to enjoy ourselves and it makes us happy. We often feel happy merely because we find ourselves not concentrating on the mundane things in our lives which often make us feel unhappy and sometimes depressed — ‘the same old…’ etc

‘The secret of happiness is not in doing what we like, but in liking what we have to do’. How commonsensical is that!

And here, once again we are back to ACCEPTANCE and LOVE — ACCEPTING what we cannot change and LOVING Life as it presents itself to us.

PONDER POINTS: how I responded to the above writing was…how it made me feel was ….what I have to do which I don’t like doing is ….. things which depress me are …..I feel depressed when …I feel happy when …

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.