6 June 2022- SELF ESTEEM
Self Esteem is having confidence in one’s self and one’s own abilities. It is, I feel, a great shame that so many people are low in self esteem and in order to make themselves feel worthwhile/important they feel the need to bully people or draw attention to themselves through graffiti etc.
‘Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make your own shine brighter’ . I’m not sure where this comes from so I can’t credit the source.
‘Bullying is smoke and courage is fire’ (Benjamin Disraeli) which I interpret to be saying have the courage to stand up for one’s self and not take on board others’ opinions of you.
LOVE ONE’S SELF WARTS AND ALL. Give up the need to be ‘perfect’, to always be right and the need to show others you exist. I have just passed a house where the outside walls have recently been painted and already there is graffiti all over it.
Ponder points: on reading this i felt ….on reading this my thoughts are…people I know whose self esteem I would judge to be low are …people I know whose self esteem I would judge to be high are….