Well, if The POINT OF POWER IS OURS IN THE MOMENT the correct phrase is I WON’T, not I CAN’T. Whatever it is that we tell ourselves we ‘CAN’T DO’ we are MAKING A CHOICE NOT TO DO. But we don’t usually see it that way — as OUR CHOICE.

The inspiration to choose this Blog title came not only from my own experience but from listening to people yesterday telling me how they wanted something to happen but circumstances seemed loaded against them and they were left in a difficult situation which they found upsetting.

A question I’ve asked many times before is, WHY DO WE CHOOSE TO MAKE OURSLEVES POWERLESS? What is the payoff for so doing? Whatever our rational reasoning may be, the answer we receive when we take the trouble to quieten our minds through tuning into our Solar Plexus (tummy) areas and allow our feelings to rise and fall, will be very different; as intuitively, we are aware of the truths we are hoping to hide from ourselves through the habit pattern which we are allowing to control us.

This seems to have led me back to Friday’s blog and Nelson Mandela’s speech where he talks about our ‘deepest fear being that we are powerful beyond measure’. And yet many of us choose to make ourselves POWERLESS seeing ourselves as being at the mercy of fate, life, other people etc.

Life I believe is a journey from knowing Why we have incarnated into this lifetime, back to that very knowing, because in between our rational minds cover over our intuitive knowing’: our knowing that we are SOULS IN A BODY. We then choose to see ourselves as an ego self operating from our Left Hemisphere rational brain rather than allowing both sides of our brains, our right hemisphere wise side and our left hemisphere rational ego side, to be balanced. An ego self no less which creates our own reality by telling us that we can’t do this or that etc.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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