6 October 2020 — FROM A DISTANCE
A line from the song sung by Bette Midler states ‘From a Distance the World looks Blue and Green”. THE PROBLEM IS, however, that our minds tend to view our own personal world up close as it chatters to itself about what it fears might happen, what it fears might not happen and what actually has happened which it regrets. This is because our minds are made up from the warp and woof of wishes and desires and we generally desire our lives to be different from how we are experiencing them.
When we are attached to something = wanting things to be a particular way: wanting something we do not have — we are then identifying with what is seen when in reality we are the SEER. The first thing to be conquered is the DEMON OF DESIRE. Desires, are indeed, objective as they belong to the category of the ‘SEEN’ .
When we are aware that we are the SEER and aware of the process of thinking which leads us to identifying with what is SEEN, we are able to release ourselves from attachment and DETACHMENT not only brings us inner peace but ensures the THE POINT OF POWER IS OURS IN THE MOMENT.
Easier said than done of course but if we take seriously the fact that we are the SEER and not THE SEEN and continually remind ourselves of it we can train ourselves eventually to watch our minds from the outside — ie to be the SEER and not the SEEN.
The faculty of the mind is like a strong current of electricity — it has to be watched FROM A DISTANCE and not be contacted or touched.
I must credit the Gita Vahini Chapter 5 for inspiration for this blog.