6 October 2022 — PERSEVERANCE
Today I paid a visit to the Dentist to have a brace fitted, top and bottom, in order to cover over gaps in my teeth which I knocked out when I fell off my bike. I’m not at all sure why I went, as I have lived quite happily with the gaps in my teeth for a long while.
At the moment I am truly disliking having to wear the braces and feel like pulling them out. But the Dentist’s last words to me were PERSEVERE.
I am questioning WHY I agreed to having this work done. I am not at all sure why I did and am regretting it greatly.
BUT WHAT IS DONE IS DONE! And although I am NOT in touch with the reason why I chose to have it done, I am sure I have much to learn from it. Perhaps letting go of my strong desire to do things my way is one of the things I have to learn as well as the strength to not give up at the first sign of difficulty — to as the Dentist said — PERSEVERE .
Also, there is the opportunity to TRY NEW THINGS rather than being stuck in the same old ways of doing things!
PONDER POINTS: on reading this I felt ….my thoughts on reading the above are…I feel I am a person who perseveres with things which are for my own good because … I feel I do tend to give up too easily when ….I feel having regrets over something which has already happened is ….