7 August 2020 —FEELING TONES
The Point of Power Is Now (the name of my blog) simply refers to the ability to act in the moment without the baggage of past memories influencing us in any way. It is tantamount to suggesting that we can be born anew in each moment through the rational mind letting go of all thoughts of the past and future and refusing to worry about about how to act in the moment. This of course means being aware of our feelings in the Solar Plexus area and trusting in our intuition.
Realistically this is virtually impossible whilst we believe ourselves to be an accumulation of past events which we keep active and ‘alive’ in our rational minds through our memories and our thoughts, and also through our bodies displaying scars from accidents and operations which happened in the past.
When we are able to live IN THE MOMENT, accepting all that happens to us as being what we ourselves have attracted through our thoughts and actions we enable ourselves to embrace ALL and TO ACCEPT ALL that happens in each moment. Useful questions to ask ourselves whilst placing our attention on our feelings in the Solar Plexus Area, I find, ‘Why have I chosen this? What do I have to learn?’
When we are able to be aware of the FEELINGS in the Solar Plexus and view these feelings simply as ENERGY rising and falling it could be said, I believe, that we are close feeling wise to experiencing the meaning of Einstein’s equation E=MC squared (Energy equal Mass squared by the speed of light). In the West we use sayings such as ‘lighten up’; ‘I can see the light now’; I need to lighten my load’.
‘FEELING TONES’ describes the energy which derives from our Souls and it is through our FEELING TONES that we can come close to knowing ourselves as a part of ALL THAT IS (the Unbroken Wholeness David Baum writes about in The Undivided Universe (Blog 5 Aug.)
Our FEELING TONES just ‘ARE ‘ in the sense that they are neither ‘GOOD’ nor ‘BAD’. To gain a clearer picture of our ‘FEELING TONES’ we could make an analogy with the WIND which can vary from being a gentle breeze to a full force gale. Or an analogy with music. The black and white keys on the piano when pressed in a particular order makes sounds which through the physical sense of our ears we recognise as a certain melody. The mind then identifies it and remembers when it has heard the tune previously.
If we are able to build a ‘rapport’ as it were, with our FEELING TONES before the rational mind grabs at them and turns them into solid thoughts AND then, to continue the analogy, we will be able to recognise and welcome any ‘tune’ of which they remind us and accept any strength of the wind seemingly ‘’blowing’ in our Solar Plexus area. AND HOPEFULLY we will be able to deal CONFIDENTLY and POSITIVELY with any circumstances with which life presents us without flurry and worry.