7 February 2019 — FAILING
I’m having one of those days when I’m feeling like a failure mainly because I haven’t got around to doing any of the things I promised myself I would do. This then allows me to beat myself up. And …. the pay-off is that whilst I’m bemoaning the fact that I haven’t done ‘this’ and I haven’t done ‘that’ I’m not getting on with the things I promised myself I would do.
THE STORY OF MY LIFE — but it doesn’t have to be. I can be compassionate towards myself and ask myself what it is that is stopping me from doing them now and either get on with the tasks at hand or, accept that I haven’t tackled these tasks yet and the decision as to whether I do so, and when I do so, is mine. WHY DO WE GENERALLY FIND IT SO MUCH EASIER TO BEAT OURSELVES UP RATHER THAN BEING GENTLE ON, AND COMPASSIONATE TOWARDS OURSELVES?