7 November 2019 —FEAR
Reflection, Contemplation, Peace, Flying High
I’ve recently taken time out from writing a blog in order to reflect upon where I’m headed with it — why am I writing a blog and what I hope to achieve through writing it.
One purpose in writing it is to spread the message that there is no DUALITY — that ALL IS ONE. WE ARE ALL FORMLESS ENERGY and therefore we are ALL GOD. GOD IS INSIDE OF US AND NOT OUTSIDE — the truth I feel Einstein was expressing in his famous formula E=MC Squared.
There comes a time, (many of them indeed) in our lives when Life seems to give us no choice BUT TO JUMP OFF THE CLIFF and FLY INTO THE UNKNOWN — a VERY FRIGHTENING EXPERIENCE. A time when we have to Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway as Susan Jeffers book is entitled.
In these situations our Intuitive Right Brain Hemisphere is in conflict with our Left Brain Rational Hemisphere and we need time out to reflect on ‘WHERE WE ARE NOW’ and from WHENCE WE HAVE COME thereby hopefully bringing us inner peace.
My method for connecting to both brain hemispheres is, of course, through writing with our non dominant hand and thereby holding a conversation between both hands whilst placing our attention on our Solar Plexus Area in order that we might FEEL our feelings there and bring through ‘INSIGHTS FOR WISE LIVING’.
FEAR, however, accompanies us always to one degree or another. expecially when new beginnings are beckoning.
Indeed FEAR could be said to be the background of the sky against which the balloons representing our intuitive knowing, truth, peace and love fly.