7 November 2022 — BEARING GRUDGES
I have just passed somebody who is choosing to bear a grudge against me for my upsetting them without my meaning to. My smiles and hellos were ignored and my apology not listened to.
This has me wondering what it is this person is not facing within their self and is projecting on to me. And has me wondering what is the payoff for our bearing grudges, as we all do or have done.
Why choose to bear a grudge instead of facing our feelings, being honest with ourselves, letting the past be the pas and accepting the present moment so we can move on into the next moment?
The answer is, of course, to hide from our true thoughts and feelings which may be unpalatable in the sense of our having to face our lack of perfection and our not living up to the kind of person we believe ourselves to be.
PONDER POINTS: on reading this my feelings were…. and my thoughts are …people who I am aware that I have borne a grudge against are …. people whom I feel have borne grudges against me are …