7 October 2020 — ENERGY
Today I quote from ‘The Four Agreements’ by Don Miguel Ruiz — ‘The second Agreement is: ‘ Don’t take anything personally’.
I find that very often we all seem to have an idea about WHO WE ARE and HOW WE ARE but our opinion of ourselves is often NOT the same as the one other people have of us. Other people tend to view us very differently from the way we view ourselves.
In reality, if Einstein is to be believed (E = MC squared) all we are is ENERGY. Our feelings are energy, our thoughts are energy, our actions are energy. And when we are with other people, we feel their energy through their feelings, thoughts and actions AND sometimes we automatically take on board the energy of others.
Don Miguel Ruiz writes: ‘Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind: they are in a completely different world than the one we live in. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world, and we try to impose our world, on their world.’
Not ‘taking things personally’ is not always easy as our energy becomes centred in thinking about what the other person has said. In the final analysis what others say about us is merely THEIR OPINION of us to which they are entitled, but, and here once again it boils down to the CHOICE we make, it is OUR CHOICE whether or not we take it on board as OUR OPINION.
I believe, that in our hearts we are all aware of the state of mind which brings us INNER PEACE and if we have allowed the energy, the opinions of others to disturb us, and make us angry, then we need to ask ourselves WHY? Do we deep down doubt ourselves and agree with their opinion of us?
THE ONLY OPINION OF OURSELVES WHICH MATTERS IS our own opinion of our ‘SELF’. The one way in which we can make use of the opinions of others is to reflect upon how relevant that opinion is to us, keeping in mind, however, Don Miguel Ruiz’s words: ‘NOTHING OTHER PEOPLE DO IS BECAUSE OF YOU. IT IS BECAUSE OF THEMSELVES’ so DON’T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY — in other words don’t take on their energy.