Today I overheard a conversation talking about someone’s mindset being blamed for their actions. We DO, I believe, create our reality through our mind set, through our thoughts. What we think becomes our reality.
Today I also noticed that someone has dumped a large settee on the river bank across the road from where I live. What kind of mindset belongs to the person/s who felt it was OK to do this? I dread to wonder. However, it is, I think, correct to assume that people who feel it OK to do this are fairly low in self esteem: ‘A man who is sure of himself is not angry at every slight done to him, nor does he carry grudges. A man who fears for his own worth, however, is furious under such conditions. The free flow of your emotions will always lead you back to your conscious beliefs if you do not impede them.’ (Jane Roberts: The Nature of Personal Reality) .
I feel that one can safely assume that the person/s who felt that it was OK to dispose of their unwanted settee by dumping it on a river bank carries grudges and feels the need to assert him/herself through acting against what is considered acceptable behaviour, just like a child stamps his foot or sticks her tongue out at adults telling them what to do. There is a group calling themselves the Friends of this river who regularly walk along picking up litter which people drop who exhibit the opposite mind set to the people who dump settees!
How sad that some people feel themselves to be so worthless that in order to feel better in themselves, or make other people take notice of them, they need to resort to dumping settees on river banks full wild flowers such as celandine and grape hyacinths.